How to Choose the Perfect Pool Shape for Your Renovation

How to Choose the Perfect Pool Shape for Your Renovation

If you’re considering renovating your pool, Phoenix Pool Renovation one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing the right shape. The shape of your pool can affect everything from its functionality to its aesthetics, so it’s important to carefully consider your needs and preferences before making a decision.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing the perfect pool shape for your renovation:


One of the most important factors to consider is the amount of space you have available. If you have a small yard, you’ll need to choose a pool shape that is compact and space-efficient. Rectangular and L-shaped pools are good options for smaller yards.

If you have a large yard, you have more flexibility in terms of pool shape. You can choose a larger rectangular pool, or you can opt for a more unique shape, such as a kidney bean, oval, or freeform.


The shape of your pool should also complement the architecture of your home and the overall aesthetic of your yard. If you have a traditional home, you may want to choose a rectangular or L-shaped pool. If you have a more modern home, you may want to consider a freeform or geometric pool shape.


What do you plan on using your pool for? If you’re a serious swimmer, you’ll want to choose a pool shape that is conducive to lap swimming. Rectangular pools are the best option for lap swimming.

If you have young children, you’ll want to choose a pool shape that is safe and easy to supervise. Rectangular and L-shaped pools are good options for families with young children.

If you’re looking for a pool that is perfect for entertaining, you may want to choose a pool shape that has different areas for different activities. For example, you could have a shallow area for sunbathing and a deeper area for swimming. Freeform and L-shaped pools are good options for entertaining.


Some pool shapes are better suited for certain features than others. For example, if you want a diving board, you’ll need to choose a pool shape that has a deep end. If you want a spa, you’ll need to choose a pool shape that has enough space for a spa.


The shape of your pool can also affect the cost of your renovation. More complex pool shapes, such as freeform and geometric shapes, tend to be more expensive to build than simpler shapes, such as rectangular and L-shaped pools.

Popular pool shapes

Here is a brief overview of some of the most popular pool shapes:

  • Rectangular: Rectangular pools are the most popular pool shape for a reason. They are classic, versatile, and functional. Rectangular pools are also the best option for lap swimming.
  • L-shaped: L-shaped pools are another popular pool shape. They offer a good balance of space and functionality. L-shaped pools are also a good option for families with young children.
  • Kidney bean: Kidney bean pools are a classic pool shape that is both stylish and functional. Kidney bean pools are a good option for yards of all sizes.
  • Oval: Oval pools are a good option for yards that are not rectangular. Oval pools are also a good option for families with young children.
  • Freeform: Freeform pools are the most versatile pool shape. They can be designed to fit any yard size or style. Freeform pools are also a good option for entertaining.

How to choose the perfect pool shape for your renovation

The best way to choose the perfect pool shape for your renovation is to start by considering your needs and preferences. What are you planning on using your pool for? How much space do you have available? What is your budget?

Once you have considered your needs and preferences, you can start to narrow down your options. Visit pool showrooms and look at different pool shapes in person. You can also talk to a pool designer to get expert advice.


Choosing the perfect pool shape for your renovation is an important decision, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By considering your needs and preferences, you can choose a pool shape that is both functional and stylish.

Additional tips for choosing the perfect pool shape

  • Consider the overall style of your home and yard. What kind of aesthetic are you going for?
  • Think about how you will use your pool. Will you be swimming laps? Entertaining guests? Relaxing with family?
  • Take into account the size and shape of your yard. How much space do you have to work with?
  • Don’t be afraid to get creative with your pool shape

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